Grant Information
Benny's Pet Foundation's Directors have a long history of working with and supporting animals in and around the rescue community and we have seen a great need for assistance with veterinary expenses in our community. While we all feel that any animal-related cause is valuable, we have chosen to focus BPF's giving on non-routine veterinary care. BPF Grants are intended to ensure availability of funds to qualifying organizations in advance of emergency need based upon qualifications of the organization and availability of funds at BPF.
What We DO Fund:
Grants are provided to qualifying veterinary care funds, nonprofit organizations and nonprofit rescues that have programs and proven outcomes that support the mission of BPF – Enhancing animal welfare and promoting responsible pet ownership. Grant funds must be used for non-routine veterinary care including but not limited to:
treatment of injuries or illness
emergency surgery
mobility devices, medications
specialists care.
Priority will be given to requests from within our Central PA Community (the counties of Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Perry, & York) and neighboring areas. Requests from outside Central PA will be considered if funds are available. Requests from Central PA nonprofit rescues will be considered for special programs that are not generally operating expenses or capital improvements if funds are available - for these requests, please include detailed information in your letter on the special program, project plan, other contributors, total budget of the special program, and any other details you feel may assist our Foundation Directors in making a decision.
What we do NOT fund:
Grants are not given to individual owners or for routine veterinary care which we define as:
spay/neuter (including TNR)
routine examinations and testing (such as Lyme or FeLV)
routine preventative care (heartworm preventative, routine dental care)
How To Apply:
BPF is now accepting applications. We are providing the information below for interested organizations to be aware of the criteria for submitting a request.
For nonprofit rescues and organizations -
Complete, sign and send a copy of BPF’s veterinarian release form
Full name of the organization, with EIN Number
Mailing Address
Contact Person/Title
Telephone Number
County in which organization is incorporated
Information on the organization including goals, programs & outcomes, a list of all directors and officers and website
Information on # of animals in your care and adoption statistics (if applicable)
Copy of letter from the Internal Revenue Service indicating that the organization is exempt from Federal Income Tax (Verification should be no more than 10 years old).
Any additional information that might be helpful to the Foundation Directors in evaluating the request.
For veterinarian’s care fund programs that are not nonprofit -
Veterinarian must be a current volunteer for Benny’s Pet Foundation
Full name of the organization, with EIN Number
Mailing Address
Contact Person/Title
Telephone Number and website
Information on the program and outcomes as well as any statistics available for the program
Financial reports and/or budgets for the program
Letter(s) of recommendation from past beneficiaries of your program (3 maximum).
Please provide answers to the following questions:
Does your veterinary practice maintain a separate bank account for this fund?
If not, how are donations kept separate until applied to a patient in need?
Does your veterinary practice reduce/discount any charges for the services of patients approved for your care fund?
What criteria are used to select patients that receive help from the care fund?
Is the care fund limited to non-routine veterinary care?
Our grant process is a 2-step process:
Potentially qualifying organizations should apply before a specific animal in need is in their care (like a "pre-approval").
Grant applications will be reviewed on a quarterly basis by BPF Board of Directors.
There is no submission deadline, applications received up to 2 weeks prior to the end of a quarter will be reviewed at the next quarterly meeting following date of submission.
If approved, your organization will be notified of the amount of the grant awarded. *Grants should be used within 12 months of approval.*
When an animal in need at your organization is identified, a request for disbursement is submitted via our website (below) and should include veterinarian information, animal information, a copy of an itemized estimate or actual bill from the veterinarian and any additional information the organization feels is important to provide. If additional information beyond the standard form is needed it can be sent via email to
The disbursement request will be reviewed within 7 days and so long as there are no questions or problems, payment of the greater of the full amount of either the grant award or the total of all funded procedures (see What we do NOT fund section above) will be disbursed.
Disbursements are made directly from BPF to the veterinarian via check.
We realize that it is often prudent for an animal to undergo multiple procedures at the same time, we will exclude from the estimate/actual bill any amounts for items deemed by BPF as routine veterinary care (defined above in the What we do NOT fund section). For example, a spay or neuter procedure may be performed at the same time as a procedure which BPF will fund -- the cost for the spay/neuter will be excluded from the amount BPF will cover ($300 total expense for animal, of which $90 is for spay/neuter, BPF will cover the amount of the grant awarded up to $210 which are BPF-funded items).
An organization may be approved for a greater grant award than one individual animal may utilize. The award is per organization, and is dispersed when an animal in need is determined until the full amount of the grant is utilized. For example, an organization may be awarded a $500 grant and a single animal in need has expenses of $300. That organization can submit additional disbursement requests until the full $500 is utilized.

BPF is now accepting applications. When you are ready to complete your application, please click on the following link to fill out our online form - you will be able to attach requested documents through the form.
If you have been approved for a grant and are ready to submit for disbursement, please use the following form.
If you have any questions or experience problems, please contact us at